Friday, March 15, 2013

Assignment 2

The most interesting claim made by Tannembaum in Slave and Citizen that I found to be interesting was that slavery was very different in Anglo America, where slaves had no rights, than in Latin America, where black persons could buy their freedom. This surprised me because I was always taught the Anglo American side of slavery, the civil war which lead to the freedom of slaves. In Brazil it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for a black woman to be walking around in jewelry and fancy clothes.  
I did not know that there was two different super powers England and Spain could value the lives of slaves so differently. Each of these countries had reasons for their stance of how a slave should be treated. The Spanish went back to the devote faith in the Catholic religion. They claimed that their God created everyone equal no matter if that person is white or black. They thought of slavery as a unfortunate event that a slave could eventually get through and be free.  Whereas England took the science route in why they justified slavery. They claimed that slaves were not human; instead they were viewed as animal-like. The English scientists said that the white man is the perfect person and all else is lower.
These two different forms of slavery that were settled so close to one another can be so different really surprised me.  The two masters were poles apart in the way they interacted with their slaves.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Assignment 1

Jefferson was speaking as a rich property owner male caucasian as assumed by the phrase all men created equal. This was the norm for these individuals to assume all the power and fortunes. Whereas Walker responds that these times have to change, people especially salves need to fight for their freedom as Jefferson did from the British. But these slaves, who the wealthy rely on, are fighting a different war. This war not only has to do with the income of their owners, but the United States economy. The economy boom relates directly to the work of the slaves and the products they produce. Walker is trying to ignite the flame for the slaves to stand up for their rights. He goes on to say if these white men have the same Creator as us then why are we not equal. Both of their Creators made everyone have the same rights black or white. Both documents relate to God. This God is giving both Jefferson and Walker the right to wage war. In all reality this country was started by a religious God given right to seek freedom. Walker wants black people to realize this and for them to gain the same as the white men did earlier.